The Americano cocktail is a captivating marriage of Italian heritage and American allure, rooted in the historic Caffè Campari of Milan during the 1860s. Initially dubbed the "Milano-Torino," it evolved into the "Americano" as it charmed American tourists. This iconic cocktail expertly balances bitter and sweet notes, comprising equal parts Damson Nº12 for a unique plum flavour and vermouth for a rich herbal sweetness, finished with soda water for a sparkling effervescence.



  • 60ml Damson Nº12 
  • 15ml Dry Vermouth
  • Soda water
  • Orange twist


  • Pour the measured ingredients into a glass filled with ice
  • Stir with a bar spoon and top up with soda water.
  • Garnish with a twist of orange.
Americano, Best UK vodka, vodka cocktail recipes, classic cocktail recipes
November 01, 2023
Tags: Autumn Winter
Gattertop Drinks Company

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